Wednesday, January 25, 2006

USA Today - Higher Percentage of Fatalities in College Freshman

An article in USA Today, January 25, 2006 of special interest to parents.

A USA TODAY analysis of 620 deaths of four-year college and university students since Jan. 1, 2000, finds that freshmen are uniquely vulnerable. They account for more than one-third of undergraduate deaths in the study, although they are only 24% of the undergraduates at those institutions, according to National Center for Education Statistics data analyzed by the American Council on Education for USA TODAY.

See the rest of the article here

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Power of a Father's Blessing

What former NFL pro Bill Glass has learned after 36 years of prison ministry.
Interview by Nancy Madsen, Christianity Today

What is our country's biggest problem? A lack of the father's blessing. The FBI studied the 17 kids that have shot their classmates in little towns like Paducah, Kentucky; Pearl, Mississippi; and Littleton, Colorado. All 17 shooters had only one thing in common. They had a father problem. I see it so much; it's just unbelievable. There's something about it when a man doesn't get along with his father. It makes him mean; it makes him dangerous; it makes him angry.

Read the rest of the article here.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

H.A.L.T. - 4 Sure Signs You Need a Break

Author: Jim Burns, Ph.D. & Dr. Bill Gaultiere

Parents and spouses need to understand that in order to keep relationships strong, it’s vital to manage stress levels before anger or fatigue get the best of you. One way I’m working on this area myself is that I have a piece of paper with four words on it – Hurting… Angry… Lonely… Tired. These words form the acrostic “H.A.L.T.” So, when I start feeling stressed, this acrostic reminds me that I need to H.A.L.T. and gain some perspective.

The reason parents and spouses need to watch out for these four feelings especially is because they are the kinds of conditions under which we are most susceptible to overreacting in a way that we will regret later.

Read the rest of the article here at

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Pete Townshend Warns IPod Users - Turn Down the Volume

Guitarist Pete Townshend has warned iPod users that they could end up with hearing problems as bad as his own if they don't turn down the volume of the music they are listening to on earphones.

Check out the rest of the Story at this site.....