Wednesday, October 26, 2005

7 Priorities of Effective Parenting - Parenting Today's Adolescent # 3 - Chp. 3

Book: Dennis and Barbara Rainey's, Parenting Today's Adolescent I recommend this book and it can be ordered by clicking the title and getting 20% off at Christian Book. com or at your Christian Book Store. There is a lot more great info in this book than I put in my summary or abstract. (Like how to)

The Raineys write in chapter three that if they had just thirty minutes of your time they would give you seven priorities you need to be an effective parent.

I hope you realize, it is all about involvement. In our busy lives it is easier to let events or experiences parent our children than it is for parents to put into kids what they need.

Seven Priorities
Unless in quotations, the comments are mine
  1. Prayer - "offensively and defensively" (all the time - the devil is after your kids)
  2. Standards - Have regular conversations about convictions, values, boundaries, expectations of who to date before he or she dates. It is important that you as a parent live by the same standards you expect your kids to live by.
  3. Involvement - They will reject your involvement more at some ages than others. Do not acccept no for an answer
  4. Training - "Best parenting is proactive, not reactive"
  5. Community - Let other adults be involved in the raising of your kids through accountability and doing community together.....The best and most natural place is church.
  6. Direction - Start early and develop your child spiritually. Too many parents are afraid of this and leave it out of parenting. "I want to let my child discover his own spirituality" is the biggest mistake that many parents make. That would be smilar to the statement, "I will let him find out for himself that it is dangerous to play in the street."
  7. Perseverance - Stay on track....You are still a parent even if you are not parenting. Never give up or give your child over to the world for their parenting. You will regret it forever...
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Blogger Allie said...

I need to get this book for myself - to read all the details I'm missing out on, this sounds like a very informative book.

Thank you for putting this out for us...

8:50 PM  

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