1st Wed. Night Parent-Teen Connection Was Great

We have started a new ministry at our church. I am the Pastor/Student Pastor of Life Connection Church. We have been blessed over the past few years to grow a pretty strong student ministry, for a church our size, but I came to realize one day last year that our ministry could be much more effective if it became a family ministry. How do you do that you ask? You disciple the parents to mentor their children.
It hurt my feelings, but it made sense, to find out that surveys of teens say that Youth Pastors have very little effect on the day to day decision making and life decisions of students. In most surveys parents rank in the top two or three as far as influence goes and youth ministers rank down the scale a way.
Now don't get me wrong. Students do love their youth pastors, but how much impact can you make on a teen if you only get him for 1-2 hours a week. (On a good week)
When I talk to parents, they feel illequipped. Most parents have a hard time relating or listening to young youth pastors who have never had their own teen. And a single or young youth pastor with babies can not relate and gets very frustrated trying.
I realized that my situation is unique. God has given me a passion for descipling students and I have had two of my own who are now grown and very successful and healthy young adults. Before becoming a pastor I was a professional counselor doing mostly a marriage and family practice which gives me some expertise in this area also.
So, to make a long story no longer than it has to be. We have now started Parent-Teen Connection. We are currently meeting one (usually the first) Wednesday night a month. The students and parents both come to youth group. The parents have small group discussions, get to know other parents, and have a teaching time on subjects related to being a parent.
It is exciting. The parents seem as excited about getting together with other parents in the same boat as they do being taught to be more effective parents.
While the parents meet, the students have small group, food, worship, and a message.
Last night was a great success. Our parents reponded well and I am looking forward to feedback to make this the ministry they need.
Last night I taught from Jim Burns book, Parenting Teenagers for Positive Results. We looked at the first session called "Attitude is Everything." We compared kids and attitudes and learned that we as parents are the ones that have the most impact on the attitudes of our kids. As a matter of fact, we just went ahead and took responsibility last night.
Negative attitudes include: Apathy, Too-cool, Moody, Always-right, Grunts only and grown up. Can you relate. If you have a teen you can for sure relate and probably with more than one.
PTC is a ministry that is being molded to be much more in the future. I see it as a great outreach opportunity and a great way to improve family relationships and prepare our kids to be successful adults.
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